Monday, November 12, 2012

Heather and Jake visit-fall break 2012

Heather and Jake came down for fall break and Heather stayed here while Jake
 flew in and out for a dental school interview in Michigan.
 Heather cut these stencils and we made pillows for Halloween.

We also did a little sewing, Heather made this shirt and I sewed my pillows.
Saturday we went to Pumpkin land.
This is Heathers "excited to show Jake a childhood memory face."  I should have taken a picture of her "disappointed face" when we rounded the corner and saw that pumpkin-land is now $4 each- it was always just a free place to take the kids and get a dollar pumpkin! And that's about all it's worth- it's just a dirt trail with pumpkin photo ops and swings! I think Jake was OK with missing it.
When Jake got back we went to Heaps ( Brick Oven)-he had never been there, the five of us shared two feasts for two and had lots of leftovers to take home!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Look what Roxie learned at Grandma and Grandpa's house!

 How to climb up stairs and fall down stairs!
 How to pull herself up to standing.
 I think she already knew she liked pickles!
 Everybody loves her.
 How fun it is to climb on Cameron.

 How much hair Grandpa Gary has.
 Sundance is a great place to take pictures. Shh -we didn't tell her about Sundance bars yet.

 Mirrors are pretty entertaining. Especially if you're pretty!

  She has great grandparents. (Doris and Delile Cramer, great in both ways)

 Second Cousin? Riley and her Mom Raquel are fun.

 A backyard is nice.

 Ashleigh calls this one happy with Grandma, sad with Grandpa, ha ha!
Come back soon!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Milli's Birthday another arty party!

For Milli's birthday  Irina made a cake and we broke open a pinata.

 Angela and Milli
 Angela and her baby, Chelsey, me, Milli, Irina
 Milli and Lisa
 Angela and Chelsey

Quilt group

This is the only proof that Quilt day really happened. Annette said my gold Sperry's had inspired her to get these black patent and hounds tooth Sperry's! Her fun orange shoes have been my favorites all year!

October Activity days

The first week in October I helped the activity day girls make Halloween flower arrangements, the next time we went to the fire station. Soon all thier real leaders will be back in town!
 Ashlynn, Elanor
 Zoe, Leslie Wilson, Lilly, Madelyn, Ashlynn, Elanor

Friday, October 5, 2012

Art Nite-Irena's birthday!

For Irena's (pronounced Eereena-she's from Russia) Birthday we bagged the art and went to Jump on it! 
Then we went to Chelsea's house for cake and ice cream.
 Front Row: Angela, Irena
 Middle: Millie, Chelsea, Heather, Lorraine 
Back: Lisa (who is not standing on a step) and me (who is!).
 We all started out with our own tramp. Chelsea, Irena, Lorraine, Angela, Millie

 Irena looks like a ninja here! (illustrator)
 Lorraine (Heather's sister)

 Lisa, Angela, (oil painter) who already had broken her toe on the edge of a tramp, and Heather
 Chelsea (animator)

 Heather (comic book illustrator)

 The birthday girl and Heather

 All of us in the "Pit of Doom".





 Carol and Lorraine

Irena thought for a long time about what her Birthday wish should be... 
Millie gave her the scarf she has on.
We have 3 more Birthday's coming up, I don't what Millie wants but we are going to the zoo for Chelsea's
and The chocolate for mine! Artie Party!