Monday, May 28, 2012

Laura Carlisle and Neal Ferrin -Wedding- May 26, 2012

No pictures of the family dinner at Cafe Sbor before we went to the barn to help set up.
 Gary, Heather, and Jake at the barn.

 Cal and Tani hanging photos of  Laura, Alice and my Mom; three generations all in the same wedding dress.

 After the set up we went to Charlies for the shake of the month-only none of us had the shake of the month!
 Laura and Neal just outside the Logan temple.

 The wedding colors were pretty much decided around these $210.00 shoes!

 Neal's Dad made the cake.
 Carol and Gary
 Heather and Jake.
 My Grandma Winnie's wedding dress-1911. (Laura's Great Grandmother)
My Great grandmother Laura Elvira Miners wedding dress-1884. 
 (Laura (and my kids) great great grandmother, whom Laura is named after.)
We had these dress's and the one Laura wore and my wedding dress all hung at Heathers wedding too.

 Earl, you are just a little taller than when you left!

Gary and Carol.           Nicole, Kristi, Carol, Heather Laura    Carol, Heather              Carol, Cal, Alice

                               Gary, Carol, Heather, Jake                                          Carol, Laura, Alice, Heather

Quilt retreat May 2012-Midway, Utah

 Alison on the couch and Donna showing her quilts. 
Donna doesn't like her picture taken so I just "got a picture of the quilt".
Alison made us each a pincushion to wear on our finger while hand sewing, very handy.
 Anette and Deb.

 A quilt top I finished (above) and one I made the blocks for (below).
 I also made two pin cushions, a doll, and did some applique.
 Plus shopped at boutiques and ate at a lot of fun food.
Didn't want ya to think I was just sittin around!

Prim, Trixie, ?,?, and Millie.
Deb and Annette collected up all this stuff so we each could make a "recycled sister" doll.
 Sandy took hers home before the photo shoot-she named it Donna because we were giving them old-fashioned names and she was teasing Donna, because after a couple of people complaining about their hearing Donna said my hearing is perfect and I'm 60! (You would have had to have been there I guess.)
 This is the one I made.

Sandy, Annette
Everyone kept recommending the food at the bowling alley in Heber!
It was good- really!-I know we'll go back.

Jeff Cramer and Bitty Engstrom-Wedding-May 12, 2012

 Tammy and I had fun doing flowers for Jeff's wedding. We had fun helping Gary take pictures too.
 Not so much fun editing and getting them on to disks! Here are a few of the 4000.

HMQS-quilt show May 2012

Cathy's quilt won first place and $500.00 in the Riley Blake contest.

 I liked this one-maybe something like this for the bunk beds.

 I loved this but would never make it-maybe just one block for a pillow someday!

Cramer Craft Day May 2012

We made black and white bags at Velda's house. 
Grandma Cramer, Lacey, Raquel, Emily (& her kids), Velda, Misty, Cathy
I'm taking the picture, Cathy is holding my bag with the turquoise flower;
 she was busy helping everyone and had to finish hers at home!

Monday, May 14, 2012

What looks like frosting ...but isn't....

At quilt group the other day we watched Deb (McFarland ) make us some foot cream out of baby cream, Vaseline, and vitamin E cream. She whipped it up in her Kitchen Aid and it was very pretty. After we each took a pot of it she set the mixer over on the side board and went on to making us a fabulous lunch, Asian chopped veggie salad with grilled chicken and grilled pineapple.
After we ate lunch and quilted a while her son Zach, who had come downstairs unnoticed, suddenly said (with his mouth full) "ugh, this isn't frosting is it?" Guess you had to be there but it was Funny!

Roxie's baby blessing

Last week-end We had Roxie's baby blessing at our house. We had a BBQ to celebrate Jake (biology) and Ashleigh's (masters in something special ed) graduations also. It was so great to have everyone here!

Roxie and Ashleigh-I love this picture!

Raquel and Heather

Kyle and Roxie -who is asleep- so she is just going to stay in that pink Onesie for her blessing!
The good thing about a blessing at home is that you can wear your bike 
clothes if your others haven't arrived yet! (Cal)
The official blessing dress, sent by Ashleigh's Mom and Dad,
 who ended up not being able to come but were able to Skype in!
Tani, Nancy, Ash, Alice

Cameron and Heather play with Thomas's kids McKaylee and Kyler

Back row L-R: Dan's wife, Dan Nelson, Mac, Grandma Cramer, Alice, Grandpa Cramer, Ash, Kyle with Roxie, Myron, Nancy, Mike and Cathy.
Front row: Brady, Raquel with Riley, Carol, Gary, Cal, Heather, Jake.
Looks like the cool girls are wearing stripes this season!
Gary, Cameron, Carol, Ash, Kyle, Roxie, Heather and Jake.

Jake, Heather and Kyle's baby, Roxie

Doris, DeLile (G&G Cramer), Kyle, Roxie, Ashleigh, Carol, Gary

Little Roxie (literally) hanging with the guys, Cameron ,Kyle, and Gary

Grandpa Cramer, Kyle, Roxie, Gary

Cameron holds Roxie
Carol and Roxie -I love that picture too!