Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New art supplies

Last Thursday my Utah State Fair friends and I went to SLC to go to antique stores and consignment shops,etc. And Lunch of course (Greek Food). While at the Children's Corner bookstore we ran into a Studio 5 TV crew who took pictures of our feet and then asked us each who's shoes we would like to walk in for a day. Fresh from buying art supplies I said something like "in the shoes of a fearless artist who isn't intimidated." Stacee who had just been talking about going to a yarn and spinning shop said something like "A pioneer woman because I would be good at all that self reliant stuff." Deb had an actual person-Alice Waters and Annette had the best answer because she said she likes her own shoes as a Mom and Grandma. Well maybe they will edit us out or maybe we will be totally embarrassed on Oct. 3 at 11AM on Studio 5.

Anyway I got some Towbow markers and PanPastels and here are some quick sketches of  what they do.
A Tombow is like a water color marker -do a line drawing and then with a wet paint brush make the color bleed.

This is what they look like; I should have gotten a green and blue and less of the same color family.
Pastel colors would probably work well too.

Here is a funny little bug girl done with PanPastels and a ball point pen.
Like playing with make-up!


Tombow marker on top of PanPastel background.

Bug girl again - the back one is a pastel background with permanent marker for the black outline
and Tombow marker for the red flower. Fun stuff to play with!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cleaning out.

Last week I helped my Dad clean out a lot of stuff; then Gary came along and took away all his metal scrap-a truck load for which he got my Dad $173.00. Not really worth storing it all these years- made me want to clean out my stuff. Anyway Cameron scored this great ping-pong table and his friends were already playing outdoors the next day.

Utah State Fair (Sept. 15, 2011)

My quilt group has several splinter groups. One group, called the pancake girls (the group making the happy quilts) came over for crepes-french pancakes-we always eat pancakes when we get together. We decided to go to the fair the next week, and while we were there we decided to go to antique shops and boutiques in SLC next Thursday! What fun people, it is really a quilt group, book group, gardening club, cooking group and shopping crew all in one.

Carol and Deb at the Utah state Fair!

We all like the skirt on this dress, we may have to incorporate the idea into our witch costumes some year. Yes we are already planning an outing to Gardener village around Halloween time!

Butter sculpture of the royal family.

Deb and Stacee find reversible skirts to buy on the way out of the fair.

We ate elephant ears and funnel cake-I forgot to take pictures of the fair food-the most important part!
Oh yeah- and they had amimals too.
And now my camera is broken and I did not drop it or anything!

Story festival and Labor Day Week-end (August 30-Sept. 5)

Tuesday Laura Taylor and I drove story teller Sheila Starks Phillips to her appointments at the grade schools. Wednesday I bought flowers and Thursday Laura helped me make 44 flower arrangements for the festival. That evening I worked at tickets. Friday I delivered the flowers and worked at tickets. That night I went to a wedding with Tammy who had come into town. Later that night Heather and Jake came to town. We went the festival on Saturday morning and again Saturday night. In between we went to the Pizza factory with Tammy's whole family for Brady's birthday. Then Elvin and Andrea  came into town! Sunday we had Elvin  and Andrea's family and Mike and Cathy and Grandma and Grandpa over for dinner. We celebrated Jeff and Brady's birthday. Elvin and Andrea and Heather and Jake and Cameron stayed late and played games, we all teamed up and played Wacky 6. Heather had to be her own team, she still won some of the time! Monday we went boating , only one problem-too cold to get in- but we had a great boat ride! Fun week-end!
Sheila Starks Phillips at an elementary school.

Gordon see's his Granddaughter Rylee (Raquel's daughter) for the first time

Some of the ticket committee, Laura, Debbie, Carol, Holly

Heather and Jake at the Scera for Laugh'in night.

Jeff and Brady
We entertained ourselves by playing minute to win it with Oreos

Then Heather danced to her (lame) boating CD, someone please remind us to make a new one. She got a lot of excersise though and we were entertained!