Monday, August 29, 2011

What I've be up to...

Here are some pictures to prove I've done something besides looking at art blogs and thinking about doing some art instead of actually doing some!
Helped with some humanitarian quilt tops.
Saw the movie "The Help" with my friend Kim Husaker.
Saturday Sampler blocks.
 Visited Raquel Cramer Hess and her new baby Rylee in the hospital-Born August 15th.

Went to card group, and quilt group, and book group.

Made hot pads.
 Finished making this purse.

Went to the Dillard's sale.
 Did sharing time3 times. (this is a cupboard that represents your mind 
and the things you should fill it with- inspired by a 2005 talk of President Monson's.
Worked on my happy quilt and binding my "land that I love" quilt. Went to Ogden to look at a car for Jake and Heather.Went to the knee Dr.(take two ibuprofen and call me in the morning), Supported Laura at her half-iron man. Celebrated Alice's 50th birthday. Bought some art supplies and wasted way too much time looking at art blogs. This week is crazy with the Story telling Festival and Flowers and getting ready to teach Relief society and have it at my house and then my quilt group at my house. Then I  maybe I'll pretend to be an artist. Oh wait  by then I'll be getting ready for Christmas! Maybe that's why I am just a wanna be!

Experimenting with color

At least I hope it's and experiment! Some comments we've heard so far-I love it! I don't not like it. It looks like mint ice cream, maybe you should paint some chocolate chips on it. I don't hate it...I don't love it either. Welcome to the bubble gum, well actually it looks more like mint ice cream. I like- it my parents house is all white.

To quote my niece Miranda "Blah doesn't live here any more!"
We'll get the carpet and couches in here and then maybe we'll tweak the color for the second coat. I promise you this picture doesn't do the brightness justice, maybe we'll just get a dimmer switch.

The island is done

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cameron Before, Middle, After

Springville Quilt show

I went to the Quilt show twice this year- once with these guys...
The Cramer Craft Day Group
And once with these guys...
Deb, Carol, Ruth, Kristi, Teri,  some of my quilt group
These were some of the quilts I liked;
but look at  these cool purses and shoes- they are actually ceramic!
I also liked this painting...

Brubaker family Reunion 2011

This year Nancy booked us a large campsite at Palisades state park just south of Manti, Utah. It was a great place with plenty of pavilion space, parking, and grassy area for a tent city. Within short walking distance there was a golf course, lake with kid friendly beach, and showers! About five minutes away by car there were fountain drinks, burgers, ice cream and doughnuts. I hope we go there again!
Heather and Jake stayed with us the night before we left and they and Cameron and Tom went long boarding down Provo canyon-at night-with lights-like the good old days they had in high school.

Heather, Jake, Nancy, Dad, Alice, Dorothy, not pictured Mac and Carol
On the way down we went to the Manti temple, then we had a hot dog extravaganza for dinner.There were tons of little kids so a lot of little families went to bed early. Some of us stayed up for a few rounds of The great Dalmudi and milk and cookies.

Heather and Jake made us a raspberry cobbler for breakfast.
It was delicious. we tried not to call it a cobbler so the people making cobbler for dinner didn't feel bad. So we called it Raspberry breakfast delight, Razzleberry surprise and many other names besides cobbler
Kyle, Gary
We went golfing. Kyle came for a couple of hours on his way  to Ashleigh's family reunion in Brighton.
Gary, Kyle, Jake

Heather, Jake, Carol, Gary

Kyle had left by the time Cal made us pose for this professional picture.
He is taking the picture so you can't see that he was golfing with us too.
After golfing we went to the lake where tons of great-grand-kids had been all day but
I have no pictures of that or of all the tents because I left my camera in my golf bag!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just for fun

I got tired of binding a quilt today so I took some time to play with my very small stash of wool. Here is the pin cushion I made. And look! It fits perfectly inside my "frosted doughnut." (Applique thread holder)

Sort of the new version of this pin cushion Gary's grandma Erickson gave me for my birthday when we were first married. Before I opened it she said "you probably won't like it." I don't know if she was being humble or if she thought I was a snob. I must have liked it because I've kept it for a lot of years. And I am not a keeper.
 This pear shaped pin cushion is the one I use most. My friend Annette Garner made it for me.


We sold this little rental house for about the same as we paid for it!  Mixed Feelings.
The house is very cute from the outside and it does have some charm in the front two rooms, but the rest was a nightmare to take care of. So it was either fix it up a lot or sell it. Also the quality of renters it attracted was not great (we've been to court twice).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

California-July 16-24

Saturday the 16th, Alice, Laura, her roommate Brook and I all left for CA. We spent the first evening with Alice's sister-in-law and her family in Apple Valley- much prettier name than place-near Victorville. We attended the musical Hairspray at the local college-Laura's cousin Paul was in it. We went to church and continued on.

Carol, Laura

Laura thought driving was boring, so we "created" towns along the way you can visit Lauraville and ride her plastic goats or Caroltown which is a lot more cool I don't remember why-guess you had to be there!

 Here we are at the fabric district. Brook and Laura got bored here pretty fast.
 Scary elevator from the parking lot to the fashion district.

 tried stuff on...
 bought stuff. 

The next day we went to Disneyland-We stayed from 8am till midnight and let me just say- The happiest place on earth is really happy with 4 adults and no kids! Look for me in the hot pink shirt in these photos, Alice in green, Laura in white and Brook in gray.
Look! We even got the people behind us happy!
 No one complaining, no one terrified  and everyone taking care of their own food, etc. I never thought DL could be this happy!

Waiting for splash Mountain to be repaired. When it finally did people had given up so we ran up the line and did it 3 times in a row!
Still happy after getting drenched!
What drenched hair does when it dries.
Thunder Mountain Railroad broke down so we scored 4 extra  fast passes-best break-down ever. The guy behind us was totally wierd though and we had to spend a little time with him before they got us out of the ride and yes he got in all our pictures.
Brook, Laura
Laura, Alice
16 hours and 23 rides. Still happy.