Saturday, February 25, 2012

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to me from Gary: A new Kindle Fire.

Feb. artsy stuff

This is a card for my neighbor Sherry's 60th Birthday. We were supposed to write a memory but I don't know her that well so I tried to make something that would look colorful in the memory book they are making, the date on it is when they are giving it to her. She is a very friendly person, I do know that!
 This was for a challenge to use something we had been hoarding at least 3 months, this masking fluid was so old I had to pull a big lump of goo out of it-I don't really hoard I just don't do enough art.
 Or I don't know to use some supplies I have collected. 
Black gesso, masking fluid, Neocolor II water color crayons and Folkart metallic acrylic paint.
 All this below is homework for Jane Davenport's online class "Draw Happy"

 She asked if we kept an art journal, I don't but I must have on this day! Good thing I don't remember what I was so mad about! I do remember being mad and drawing this in about 3 angry seconds.

Sister quilts and Quilt for baby Roxie

Above is Heather's"sister's" quilt, I love it- I wish I had a better picture of it. Below is Raquel's more traditional approach. After April finishes her's 19 quilts will have been made from these blocks we made for each other.
Below is the quilt I made for Kyle and Ashleigh's baby. She (Roxie Kathleen Cramer) will be born in March so I guess I will have to part with it soon! It is only the second quilt I have ever given away, but what a great reason to give one away! It took me a year so I am glad it is going to someone who will appreciate it!

Skills USA

Here is a lovely picture of Cameron's back as he accepts an award. He has been chosen to represent Utah Valley University at the State level of Skills USA. I guess we'll learn more about what that is as we go.

February 2012

At the beginning of the month Heather and Jake came down for the week-end.
We started out at the Chocolate (and we ended up there again too).

 The turtle brownie and the salted caramel brownie, sometimes you just have to get both!
 Liar's dice, taught to us all by Heather who's hair made it into the right side of the picture. This is after the whole gang had dinner at the Smoking Apple- delicious BBQ.
These cupcakes I actually made myself, use the chocolate cake recipe from a few posts ago,
 make any kind of chocolate frosting and ad butter-rum oil to the frosting.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chalkboard painted bottles

Made these arrangements for The storytelling mid-winter conference and for Valentines Day.

 After dinner on Sunday Tammy, Lacey and Raquel personalized their own, it was  a fun activity. Especially during "Raquel's most embarrassing moment ever" -Brady was drawing a pair of lips on Raquel's bottle when he let it slip that when they were dating he had a nick name for Raquel's lips, one name for the top lip and one for the bottom! Raquel was pretty relieved he couldn't remember what they were!

Friday, February 10, 2012

More ATC's

Artist trading cards 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" very fun to make, try it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Glam Girls!

Here they are with the faces! I didn't know when I'd get them done but I have had a cold for 3 days and have read a book, done some sewing and finished these! I don't even work and I need to take sick days to get creative!

 These are some miniatures to share with my classmates (ATC's Artists Trading Cards). Smaller was harder!